
13 January 2015


The days and weeks have been running together since the start of the new year.   Lists that get subtracted from and added to that are titled "Before Baby."  I hate that I have somewhat neglected this space, but every moment of free time, or chance that Gideon is napping, includes me trying to accomplish a smattering of projects all in the name of nesting.  I can't stop.  Won't stop.  Unless we get sick, like last week.  Even then, I am looking for ways to subtract from that list hoping that at some point it will be down to zero, but knowing it probably never will be.

Painting dresser knobs, hanging frames, organizing tiny clothes, figuring out how the drink koozie ended up in the nursery closet (toddler), figuring out how the cat ended up in the nursery closet (toddler). Scrubbing, dusting, sweeping and knowing I'll have to do it fifteen more times before he makes his appearance, but in the off chance that he shows up early, I want it done.  Or maybe hoping it causes him to show up early?  But not this early.

Big boy bed shopping, hospital touring, calling pediatrician, oh wait, let's stop for a prenatal massage (yes, yes, and yes.  Best thing on the list).  Baby sprinkles, thank you cards, pre-made freezer meals? Who has time for that?  I don't wear real pants most days and I can't reach our kitchen sink any longer.

As you can see, my mind is racing nonstop.  I keep hearing how I need to sleep now, and trust me, this is not my first rodeo so I know the sleep state we are about to enter, but I can't seem to force my mind and body to stop. The insomnia has crept back in and the four pound little boy in my womb is making sure that night time is lively.

Lately feels like a whirlwind around here, but I'm so excited about being swept up in it.

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