
09 July 2014

Gideon says // 02

+ Sitting in the tub with the water draining out.
    Gideon:  Byyyyeeee wawaaaaa

+ Hiiii Su shiiii (sunshine)

+ Flushing the toilet (a favorite pastime these days)
   Gideon:  Byyyeeee pee peeeeeee

+ Pulling all of our gift bags out of a basket, he finds a Christmas one with Santa Claus on the side.
    Gideon: Ho ho ho (On repeat. In April.)

+ Taylor was giving me a hug before leaving for work.  Gideon rushed over, pushed Taylor away and said, Mine mama!

+ After reading several stories in his storybook Bible before bed, he looks up at us, lifts one finger and says, One mo, one mo.  The biggest bedtime staler of all time.

+ Taylor changed Gideon's diaper, balled it up and asked him to throw it in the trash.  Gideon threw it on the ground, kicked it and yelled, GGGGOOOOOOOOAALLLLL!

+ Also, let's just say it's a little embarrassing to go through a drive-through with Gideon these days.  You know, the whole yelling out the window every time they come over the loud speaker or hand something out the window.  Heeeyyyyyyy!  Byyyyyeeee!

+ I could hear him after he woke up the other morning singing "Let it GOOOOOO!" while laying in his crib. 


  1. Oh how I love that boy. He's such a cutie, just like his momma was and is.

  2. Fun! I can't even pick a favorite. The "ho ho ho" is pretty good!


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