
11 March 2014

iPhone Life

March came in like a lion for sure, bringing with it a stomach virus and now roseola.  Get with it, March.  Clean up your act or we will be wishing for April.  And some recent iPhone photos.

 Naked baby in socks // Shopping with daddy
 "Oh, these are pretty" // Mama break
 Laughing at his Papa // He kept calling the M&M's "balls"
Who could turn down this Valentine? // Hammock time
 We had a friend over // Climbing at the park all by himself
 Men on a mission // Playing by the waterfront
 Spring, enough said // Thanks to Papa

Showing Bama and Aunt B our park // Exploring


  1. Sorry you guys are sick :( My son just came down with a really icky cough yesterday. Can't wait for April now! March isn't warm enough for me, anyway!

    You little boy is so adorable! how old?


    1. Thank you! He is 15 months. Hope your sweet one gets feeling better. We are highly anticipating April and the warmth of Spring!


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