
30 January 2014

Snow days

We got a little surprise of ice and a light (I mean flakes for two minutes) dusting of snow yesterday.  So we have spent the past two days hunkered down in our living room, wearing PJs and sweatpants, eating whatever is in our pantry and enjoying some family time.

Our small little beach town is not used to this type of thing, so it is a really big deal.  They had already cancelled schools for Wednesday on Tuesday afternoon when there was absolutely nothing happening, yet.  But, I must say I am glad they did after hearing all the horror stories in places like Atlanta where parents can't get to their kids at school.  I'm just going to assume that all of this must be due to me and Taylor moving here.  We brought a little of our mountain snow with us or maybe it was just for me to know that it is possible here.

Being stuck inside meant pulling out the big guns.  I busted out a huge play tent that came with Gideon's tunnel.  The tent is ridiculous and barely fit in our living room.  It should just go down in history as mega-tent.  Hence, why we keep it folded up in a closet.  But, I was desperate.  And it was a hit.  Even with our fur baby.  In and out and running around.  I played in it some and then let Gideon have some alone time to play while I read a book.  Bliss.

We of course had to venture out to get a picture in the Beaufort snow.  I mean, not much so don't go expecting a crap ton in these photos.  Get a good look at Gideon's snow outfit while you are at it.   Pajamas, coat, moose slippers and daddy's hat because G's is too small.  I thought he rocked the look.  He was upset we wouldn't let him get down and roll in the snow.  A runny nose and ice don't mix.


  1. What a fun day! Snow days are my jam. Glad you're having a good time. Happy (almost) Friday! : )

  2. oh my gosh! How cute is he. looks like a pretty awesome snow day.


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