
06 May 2013

Birthday Weekend

Well, I turned twenty-five on Friday and we had a packed weekend to celebrate.  Well, really I got a whole week of celebrating because last Sunday Taylor decided he needed to give me the Hunter boots he bought me because it was going to rain all week.

We kicked off the weekend on Thursday night and stayed up way later than we normally do (yea, all the way to 10:30) watching 500 Days of Summer because neither of us had seen it all the way through. Friday I woke up to a million "Happy Birthday"s from Taylor.  And while I was feeding Gideon his morning oatmeal I found a little box on his highchair.  Gideon gave me a beautiful, tiny silver ring and I LOVE it. After that I went to the sink to wash his bowl and Nala had left me a ceramic strawberry basket that I had wanted.  Those two sure know how to get mama gifts.  I suspect they had help from their daddy though.

Grammy and Papa watched Gideon in the evening so Taylor and I could go on a date. We ate Mexican at our favorite place.  Pre-baby we would hit up this restaurant about once a week and it was nice to be back. We completely forgot that Cinco de Mayo was coming though so we got to enjoy our tacos with some hopping DJ music to accompany it. After dinner, we walked over to the movie theater and saw Iron Man 3. Very good. Minus the mom who brought her three YOUNG kids to the movie. Too young to sit QUIETLY through a movie and of course they were sitting right next to us.

And Saturday we hit up the NC zoo with my family.The zoo? you ask. I wanted to do something that was fun for my niece and nephews and to take Gideon for the first time. I guess birthdays are more fun if they are having fun! It was scary on the way because it was raining and although it was a little chilly at first, it ended up warming up and being an awesome day! We fed the giraffes and the lions were so active. A picnic lunch and more Mexican dinner (seriously could eat it all day, every day) and I felt so loved for my birthday.

And the weekend according to my iPhone: (very few today. I have been busy using my new camera and as soon as I find our card reader I will post those too!)

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