Do you ever have a weekend that you wish you could just freeze and keep re-living? This past weekend was that for me. My parents, sister and bro-in-law came to visit us and we had a blast. We ate way too much awesome food and dessert, we showed them around Beaufort and they got some major play time in with Gideon. I don't know if he loved it more or if I did. All I know is, when he woke up from his nap yesterday afternoon, he was really confused about why I was the only one here. Back to just boring old mom. No Papa giving him donuts. No Grammy reading him books. No Lish Lish flying him around the room. No Uncle making him laugh. Just mom. And I felt it too.
Taylor keeps reminding me that we get to see them all again soon and I know it's true, but I just loved everything about this weekend. Crowded in our little apartment, just having fun. I would sleep on the floor in Gideon's room every night if it meant they got to stay here! But, I know it makes these times so much more fun when we are apart for a little bit.
We loved it too. Thanks for letting us take over your home. And for sharing that sweet, funny, never-stopping, adorable, snack-eating, little boy. We will see you in a few weeks.