
12 August 2013

There's something about August.

I don't know what it is about August.  It awakens the productivity within me and excites my senses with the knowledge of change.  Change of season, change of temperature, change of clothing.  And even though I tend to be a creature of habit, change feels good every once in a while.

August is that month that begins the downward spiral of Summer into Fall. Oh, how I love Fall.  I would wear riding boots, knit scarves, and plaid all year long if I wouldn't sweat to death and look like I had lost my mind.  For a majority of my life, August has meant school.  Elementary, middle, high school.  New teachers, new friends, new things to learn.  College.  New place to live, new classes to take, new experiences to have.  It all starts in August.

Although, I now have no new place to head to this August, I feel the excitement of change coming.  And honestly, I experience that change daily.  A baby, who grows and learns each day.  Learning with him as he goes.  Change of expectations of myself.  Change of priorities, desires, scenery.

I always feel like once you hit this month, the remainder of the year hits the hydraulic, speed button and we are suddenly contemplating whether to go out Black Friday shopping or not, a Lowe's parking lot Christmas tree or a drive to the mountains to cut one down, and the always panic inducing "which family do we spend Christmas Eve with and which Christmas Day"?  The first seven months of the year go by quickly, but from August on, you have to run to keep up with it.  But, I love it.

So, here's to August. Bringing change and new adventures.  Maybe, just maybe, I'm not as habitual as I thought.

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