
11 March 2013

March, I Love You.

Well, March sure did hear me when I called it out the other day for not bringing the appropriate weather.  The last three days have been the prettiest I have seen yet.  It has led to many stroller rides and walks through the neighborhood because it would just be wrong to waste such a nice day.

My parents came over to get their "Gideon fix" yesterday and we walked all over our neighborhood.  My mom kept telling Gideon that this is the first Spring he has seen from the outside.  Yea, last Spring I was just finding out about our monkey boy.  Wow, what a difference a year makes.  I keep telling Gideon once it gets even warmer, him and I will be going on picnics every day and this Summer we will hopefully be spending tons and tons of time at the pool.

In addition to spending our weekend outside, we also took G to Lowe's for his first time ever.  Taylor says the first of many trips.  Why to Lowe's, you ask?  We have a few DIY projects that we want to take care of.  First up, we are painting a side table we got when we first were married.  Like most of our furniture it is black and dark and makes me feel blah when I look at it.  We have discovered that our tastes have changed and we like light colored furniture and decor to make our home seem brighter.  So, instead of buying a new table, why not paint it, right?  So we will come at you with the details on that once we have it done.

Oh, and for the record, Gideon loved Lowe's especially the ceiling fan section.  Who would have thought?  And the weekend according to my iPhone (not too many this week because I forgot to take some).

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