
27 February 2013


Three years.  It has been three years since Taylor took me to the top of a mountain in the snow, ice and wind to ask me if I would be his girl as long as we both shall live. Clearly I said yes.  He of course was super smart and buttered me up with a Pittsburgh Penguins jersey and tickets to a game before asking me to marry him.  I was so naive that night.  It would be dumb to say "I didn't know it was coming."  I knew he was going to ask me to marry him.  But not right then.  In the moment you are never sure and you are constantly thinking "no, this isn't it."  I mean, I was in a freaking t-shirt so you can believe me when I say I didn't know it was coming RIGHT THEN.  He took me on the Parkway because that is where we started dating.  The Parkway, in February.  Let's just say it was a tad bit chilly. And windy. My hair was blowing straight up as he got on one knee with tears and said those sweet amazing words.I said yes.  Slipped the ring on my freezing finger.  Let out a big YYEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH for the world to hear. Got in the warm car.

Taylor, I would say "yes" a million catrillion more times if you asked me.  A million catrillion more diamonds or hockey tickets would be awesome too.  But, even without, I would be yours.  Happy engage-iversary.

P.S. We were such babies in these pictures.

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