
21 November 2016

Boy number three

Well, it is boy number three for our family.  I still can't believe that A. we are halfway through this pregnancy and B. that it is a boy!

Everything about this pregnancy has been a surprise from the get-go.  We had started the conversation of when to start trying for a third and ultimately concluded that then was just not the best time.  And low and behold, our first morning on our solo trip to New York City in August, I took a test and two lines appeared.  Taylor said he should have known when I demanded jalapenos on my nachos at the Yankees game the night before.

God has definitely used our journey through pregnancy and becoming parents to constantly help me learn my downfall in trying to make my own plans on my own timing.  With both of our older boys that meant having to wait for them.  Months of prayers and loss and questioning.  This time God threw this little one at us at a time we declared wasn't right.  During our discussion of when to start trying, Taylor said we just couldn't have a baby around Easter since that will be such a busy time for him in our first year with the church plant.  After getting the positive test, I calculated my due date and it was later confirmed that our sweet boy number three is due on GOOD FRIDAY.  Hello, Easter weekend.

And to round out the surprises, I never in all my life thought I would be a mother to THREE boys.  My tribe of little men.  I don't even know where to start, but I know He has big plans in placing these three wild ones in our care.

We are so excited to meet this little one and to watch our boys grow up together.  There is nothing better than brothers.

1 comment:

  1. My friend, I talked to another dear friend last night who had her second (maybe third) miscarriage. We bawled and cried and mourned for what should have been and the fear and worry that can bubble up in our souls when walking in the valley of the shadow of death. We just mourned together. Then this morning the Lord reminds me of your journey and hope rises. He is good. His mercy endures. His faithfulness knows no limit. How thankful I am for His blessings and how they have richly manifested in your home as He grows your family. Bless the Lord. Love you.


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